Thursday, May 22, 2008

InspiratioN frOm TV???? You WouldN't beLieVe iT buT i FOund iT

 Due to the lack of quality on tv these days, i have a hard time stomaching most of the shit on the tube, but while lounging this morning and cleaning out my dvr playlist, i happened to have the new american gladiators season 2 tivod from last season. so i gave it a shot. While they did improve upon the first seasons lameness, it was what i saw on the screen that captivated my eyes. I noticed while they were introducing the mens powerball event, that one of the competitiors had lost his leg, and was playing in a prosthetic...unreal. While it may be a scripted tv show, you cant script anything while they are in action. The courage from this guy sent a chill down my spine...hearing the excitement in his voice while he told the audience this was his first time paying tackle football in the last 15 years since he lost his leg. I cant even begin to describe the impact he had on me, but kudos to the producers for allowing him to
 participate, and i'm speechless on what to say about the challenger...all i can say is im glad i came across this.

p.s.  This comes after the breaking news last week that they will allow a double amputee to compete in the Beijing Olympics. You won't believe your eyes after you see this guy run.