Monday, October 29, 2007

kANye'S nEw Cd...iN the FOrm oF a BoOk

havent had enough kanye in your life lately...good but this one isn't going to fit in your cd player unless you put it in one page at a time. expect a book full of "kanyeisms"...his definition of what you hear and interpret from his lyrics. the min reason i MAY read this book...$10

hAsta La ViSTa tO THe Hot WeaTHer, HElLo To THe hUNDreDs WinTEr TEE's

Saturday, October 27, 2007

sOME SeriOUs EndS..nOT tALkiNG aBOut SPliT oNES

upscale and i'm sure get the job done exceptionally well.
for ur kicks, hoodys, nipple rings, idk...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007


this vid doesnt do justice to the crazyness the fans have when their VT football team comes out to play.

FCuK yoUR biTCh aNd YouR CliQUe

the eye poppin phrase from triumvir is back. this time in limited edition colorways and probably for the last time it will be available. i know 2pac would sport this shit.

wHat A wAy tO CAp tHe DAy

supreme quilted leather NY / LA

UNdfTD allover new era

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


alMOst HAllOWeeN

10 dEEp x PushEad Halloween tee

neckface has a new exhibit in NY. FReshNESS has all the technical info for you NY heads.

uNDfTD liKEd miAMi bEfoRe They WerE WiNLEsS

colorway the undefeated dolphins wore

respect to the infamous season

gotta throw on the logo

niKe Knows nEVEr eNouGh raSta

never enough rasta en your life, mahn!!!

diAMonD gETS SneaKY wiTH The sTATuS

Rogue status initials x diamond hittin it from the backside

if somehow your cap gets torn...dont be suprised to see the allover gun print underneath.

AmERiCan GAngSTa AlbuM...nOt FuLL lEnGth

DryDeK doEs thE DecK ThinG wiTh ROguE aGaiN

one of the og crew members and everyone's favorite mtv character ROb DryDEk is back at it for round 2 with rogue status. i see a spot on the wall for this one.

p.s. if you read on, one i thank you but two you'll prob see it again on my bday wishlist.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

wHAt The DuNK

this is what the crazy scientists @ nike sb came out with after being locked up in the lab for 6 years. pretty ridic when you think about it. they took the most popular dunks spanning the last 6 years and threw them all together like a family in a station wagon. these shoes are selling for at least 4 figures on ebay. be careful for the fakes though. these bad boys can only be seen live on the sb video tour.

niXOn's aLLoVEr YoUr SwEatEr

pRoP's: aCTiVE

Chromeo - Bonafide Lovin' (Promo Video)

Monday, October 8, 2007


chad muska's new deck from element.
anarchy in los angeles.

pRoP's: ActiVe

StriKE SOMe goLD...bEnnY sTyLE

ride, bike, sk8 in style this winter with the classic design from bENNy gOLd

DiAMOnd DOin ThE dUB tHinG

these days its all about having your own clothing company. no secrets there. one secret to a brand's success is its relationships and its riders. With the cr8TioN of a ZenEtTi sK8 teAm
emerged another sk8boardin collaboration from p-rod, tk, and jereme called sk8site.
basically a myspace for sk8boarders, with the purpose of networking for sk8boarding. im sure the same rule applies though the most friends = the coolest.

anyways heres how this collabo breaks down. essentially its jereme rogers playing matchmaker on a dating game only for a tshirt instead. do your hw and you'll know jereme rides for diamond supply company as well as zenetti. i guess the two hit it off because their first offspring is about to make its way into the world...

pRoP's: ctotheJL


when you bite something as popular as the cover of EntOURagE seASon 1...
@least have something interesting and of a little quality...
that possesses just a little bit of cr8tivity in it.


i guess this is what you resort to when you live hundreds of miles from the ocean...
and are craving a quick surf sesh...
or QUiKSiLVEr has one serious stick of explosives
and wanted to put it to a good, safe, resourceful use...
or you can't find a mailbox.

pRoP's: iFiLM & yOUtUBe

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Monday, October 1, 2007

oG SupReME

LAkAi mAkeS YoU ChOOsE...BlOOd Or CRiP

LAmBO iS oNE fiNe lOOkinG HOe

With 660 horses and a price tag of $1.4 mil...
Only 100 lucky people will be seen in the streets in this lamborghini 'REvEnTon".

pRoP's : liFe FilES

jUSt diG inTo tHoSe PoCkEtS fOr thiS SOciETy

BAck by i'm sure much popular demand is the DigGeRS SociEtY...
what is that you ask???
coming to us from the bros over @ DiGiTAl GrAvEl,
its their version of a "t-shirt club". basically drop $250 up front and
for a year (12 shirts) they will send you a hip collaboration t-shirt
from one of the brands that they carry each month.
Last year they had The hunDreDs, MisHka,
miGhtY hEalThy, & DiAmonD (the sickest one they made) just to name a couple.
its debut season made such a splash amongst streetheads...
they decided to come back for a second season.
this one is sure not to disappoint.
The first tee (#13) to kick things off is from ShAloM.(below)
The "BRight EyeS" shirt was one of the hottest from this brand...
and now they redid it with their own colorway.
HurRy Up...DeADLinE is OctObEr 5, 2007.

DEnZEl & jAy - PRettY gAngSTA ComBo i sAy

word on the street is this is the cover to the album he's dropping nov. 4. Yes it has a direct relation to the new denzel movie AMEriCan GanstA

pRoP's: LiFE fiLEs