Monday, April 21, 2008

ThinGs i CaNNoT reSist apPLauDiNG

Audrina NUDe

LAKER's #1 seed & up 1-0 on the nuggets.
plus this sick photography!

Nike blazer's @ HOTROD

P-rOD II aka
"part of my graduation present"

this guy's commitment to cr8ting one of the all time greatest pieces.
Here's my acknowledgement of yesterday's holiday.
If i didn't i would prob hear it from Erik's roommate, who threw one hell of a green party.
Lets just say it included the works...topped off with a special sesh with Mclovin himself.

use of clue what this is or where i got it

mighty healthy sticker pack. fan of all. might have to place my $5 PO.

Diamond Heavyweight crew neck sick!

iS Some1 foLLowinG iN ReggiE bUSh's USC sHOes

Are bentleys all of a sudden included in college signing bonuses?
Nope...only if you go to college in LA.
BAron ring a bell FUCLA fans!!!

FroM aLL fAlls DOwn tO MAkinG iT sTANd stRaigHt Up

stacey dash DOES it for me!!!
The LV bag in the "all falls down" video makes it ALMOST feel
like theres two girls to enjoy!!!

WhOeVer sAid LA hOCKey wASn'T enTErtaiNinG, i HaVe ONE ReasoN tO DisAGreE

cALL thE LA zOO & lET thEm kNOw thE moNKeys Escaped

aBSOlut voDKA inTo thE shOE gAMe b4 Most Of YoU!!!

i learned about this company's advertising techniques last week from my fave professor. we've all seen the different absolut bottle ads, but the ones they put out back in the day kill it compared to the ones of today. In my opinion they executed their message much more creatively compared to the current ones, but just an opinion. Before my professora put this ad on the projector she called me out said, "this was an ad i envisioned you cr8ting". i took it as a compliment....bein that shes been my mkting professor for the past four semesters. look at the kicks they used in the ad and tell me this isn't dated.

RegaRDLeSS oF tHEir mUSiC, THesE alBUm CoveRs dESerVE GRammY'S

fitty pennies - elephant in the sand mixtape.
yah thats joe fat...i mean joey crack...i mean cracks in the sand where he stands.
Want some whip cream to top that...woman in the pic is his wifey.
Either he's cheatin or a spindoctor with words when it comes to his girls.

Weezy f baby - tha carter III
more than words can describe.
one of those pictures that really is worth a thousand words.

Saturday, April 5, 2008