Monday, October 1, 2007

jUSt diG inTo tHoSe PoCkEtS fOr thiS SOciETy

BAck by i'm sure much popular demand is the DigGeRS SociEtY...
what is that you ask???
coming to us from the bros over @ DiGiTAl GrAvEl,
its their version of a "t-shirt club". basically drop $250 up front and
for a year (12 shirts) they will send you a hip collaboration t-shirt
from one of the brands that they carry each month.
Last year they had The hunDreDs, MisHka,
miGhtY hEalThy, & DiAmonD (the sickest one they made) just to name a couple.
its debut season made such a splash amongst streetheads...
they decided to come back for a second season.
this one is sure not to disappoint.
The first tee (#13) to kick things off is from ShAloM.(below)
The "BRight EyeS" shirt was one of the hottest from this brand...
and now they redid it with their own colorway.
HurRy Up...DeADLinE is OctObEr 5, 2007.