Friday, August 31, 2007

i kNOw You WanT iT

SaT 11:00aM @ tHEstORe oN RoSewOOD. (9/1/07)

sPArK tHAt sHiT wiTH ThiS

pRoP's: uBErGiZmo


diTA x bArrACuDa old escuela but i love these.

RiCh & HunGRy & A bOY???

BBC / ICe cREaM update with many more flavors. you heard it first here.
if i was to set the date back like a week.

WaNNa 69 iN oUR nIKeS

sex sells right??? clean, tasteful, yet erotic as fcuk. maybes its the SUpRemEs, maybe its the position, whatever does it for you i'm sure they captured it prefectly.

BoMb hEAd...bUT onLy FroM a GiRl

real life bomb head

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

nEVeR iN a MiLLioN YeArs

did i think losing my dad would have this big of an impact on me and a million other things. yah not a day goes by where i would give anything to see him again, but for it to be this hard sometimes still makes me wonder what i truly missed out on by not having him. i hear RyaN SHecKler on his new mtv show about how he lost his dad...but to divorce. He ponders the future multiple times throughout the episode about what its going to be like without him. i mean the high school phenom has pretty much all a kid his age could ask for. range rover, good looks, pro sk8 career, cash out his a$$, and HE wonders what life is going to be like. imagine life without all that money and without a career. its a whole different story bro. but in all honesty i think MtV hit this one on the head, and maybe you can leave the boobtube with a little more than a washed brain like laguna beach will give you.

than you have the show on TLc with my wife KAt vON D, LA inK, and you see how big of an impact the death of a person can have on someone. listening to the client talk about what it means and why certain things are incorporated in their tattoo actually brings out what i believe is the true purpose of a tattoo. me and my lil sis have been contemplating one forever. of course both of ours are for our dad, but of course moms is ol fashioned and reminds us what our bodys will look like in 50 years. i sit there and wonder why i dont pull the trigger. if it means that much to me, which it truly does, than who cares what ur body is going to look like when you get older. yah theres a lot of ironing out to do, but sometimes i glad the clouds open up in my eyes, proves to me that this is life. Like MIke V said on tonights episode of LA iNK,
"I've realized that i only have one shot in this life, i'm just tryin to pack as much in as i possibly can."

gnight to my guardian angel


the classic "RiPPeR" is the mascot of one of the first shops i visited on the westside, HoTRoD.
same address but the concept of the store is more influenced by dunks & streetwear.


it is just what it looks like. FuCT has overthrown the city of love with its own raunchy, naughty, yet hilarious cartoons. thats the kind of touch FUct is known for.

GEt aLiFe L.A.

joining the wonderful world of FAirFax is Alife. whaaattt. thats right. the opening was quiet...but only by hype standards. the brand did a nice job of keeping it under wraps. i cruise that avenue frequently and never had a hint of it. but half the time my eyes are half open. i say its that bright sun, you might think otherwise.

pRoP's: HiSnoB


everyone knows this week is MAgiC in VEgaS. all the brands showcase their new cr8tions for the coming seasons. yah get in line cuz this is invite only entrance. well uNDfTD vegas took advantage of the occasion and released the "uMaN" (above) and "FOiL StRike" (below) only @ there store. pick me up the grey one size M on ur way home.

pRoP's: hYPebEAst


Monday, August 27, 2007

wATch ouT FoR ThaT kiCk SOn

Gonzaga vs Crocop

yoUr EArs Will SCreAm WESC!!!

they have their hands on pretty much everything else and with a foundation of more influences than a sizzler salad bar its refreshing to see a brand like WESC step out and do something unique, but at the same time stand out above other similar products. Since the brand has individuals reppin it in every way of life, known as WEactivist, it was only time before WESC reached the music followers of the brand. Sparing no1, the brand released a headphone style for any type of individual.

STEve AOki pro mODel

classic og full ear steez

pRoP's: FResHNeSS

tHE huNDreDS hAve UR SchOOl uNiFORm

maRRiED 2 wHo

the mob that is. heres the new line from the ladies for the ladies.
bright colors brings all the boys to the yard.

pRoP's: HiSNob

SiLLy piRATe w/ No RuM

SiLLy thiNG x bounTY x HUNTer

10 year anniversary for bH collabo.
this is the first toy from the silly things new toy label.
coming in SEPT, but i think only in HKoNG

pRoP's: HiSnoB

gEt yoUR GlADiAtoR BaCK oN

yep, a modern day american gladiator is scheduled to hit the air on NBc in the coming months. i have to give it a shot...especially after the 100's of hours i spent watching it on UsA back in the day. the eliminator is going to have ot be insane to keep up with other reality tv shows obstacles.

Friday, August 24, 2007


SO so FAmoUS

so so def x famous stars and straps collabo premiering @ mAgiC

StewiE SuCk's On PAriS' NiPPLe

FRuiTiON shOws TheiR tRUe cOLoRs

new website homepage

shop in vegas

not for your average laker fan (peep the shorts)

TaRa ToSSeD liKe a SalAd

you have to love the comments that thE bASRdLy puts on their pics.

HuNgRy 4 soMe HunDreD's HaTs

new colors in the "team" design

yah they are. especially when you get INC.orporated

YuMMy iN ThE tUmmY

Thursday, August 23, 2007

WeLLs tO tHE DoDGers

help us get that pennant wells

moRE WoOd thAn YoU ThAN wHeN You WAke Up

as usual new brands are always popping up with the help of blogs, and this is one that i'm a fan off. the brand is WooD wOOd and their latest release of tee's is really solid. of course the LA bandit tee caught my eye with the original la deisng on the hat. big things to come when they release the rest of their line.

iMAgiNE iMOgEn

i already have...thats why she is just coming to you now. have fun with the sloppy seconds.
ImoGen ThomAs

RiDEs liKe a DiaMonD

flashy red with white spoke rims give it that flash appeal.

add a diamond design to the front handlebars and you'll be sure to turn heads.

OFFiCiaL briGHteNS yOUr bRaiN

the featured product from the fall/holiday preview. yah try and pronounce it.
"neu scemagh"

match that hat with a man's favorite accessory...the scarf
if you can get a hold of one. limited to wholesalers solamente

DouBle D's on ThaT teE

dave dennis throw his initials all over the front of this V.
BounDLeSS has em.

i guess it might take jesus to unite the two coasts

diAMond dRiBBleS liKE dR. J


just like the joe montana tee diamond put out recently.
this one also has a quote on the bottom to geet you inspired.

18's aNd MAkiNG GuYS sAy HAy-DeN

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

shOrt aS iT iS wiDe

that quote hits home but not really.
family inside joke. sorry.
plus bart and me have a lot in common.
no homo. can't believe i just used that phrase.

hD cAM foR tHE fAM

sleek. stylish. sophisticated. superclear HD

aLL aBouT LiViNG

new VOlcOM skate video dedicated to the memory of shane cross