Monday, July 30, 2007
HiP HoP eXpLOdiNg oN 9/11
KanYe's "gRaduAtioN" and 50's "CUrtiS" are set to release on SEptembeR 11th. someone needs to alert the pentagon this time cuz this much attention to hip hop in america has got to be making some people's parents pretty nervous. i'm looking forward to the bombs that will be dropping. 50 says he's sure kanye will move his back because hE is smarter than that. it also marks the 6 year anniversary of JAy's bLUePrinT album. the one that put KAnye one the map. think what you want. kanye's latest jams are far more listenable than 50's collabo with JT on "aYO teCHnoLogY"