Tuesday, July 31, 2007


partnering up with foreign brand SUBcrEW, the LA boys are getting grimey with this unique head peice. crazy embroidering just to let you know who they are. if you didn't already.

pRoP's: kiX FiLES


TranSpArenT SunGLassEs. super sick to me. the brand is SUpER btw.

pRoP's: HiGH snOb



brand out in the windy city. i bet they make some nice fitteds since its so windy and no one wants their fitted flying away.

the MLB nEEdS tO miX iT uP a LittLe

MLB SHoP - LA's oNly TeaM

hayden's bf STeVeN from LAGunA bEAch reppin a red DODGer HAt With

BraVo tO HeiDi FOr...

unrolling project runway in my pants

COvEr CHarGE...aND nO Free GiFT

not sure when this is going to start but supposedly ApplE store will begin chargin $5 just to walk in. The reasoning: to give their dedicated customers a better experience. Half the world buys online anyway,

YoU WiLL FeeL likE tHis

pathetic afternoon funny

Monday, July 30, 2007

huNTinGtoN wEEkEnd REwiNd

so the us open of surfing was this past weekend. of course me buddy nick was rollin up. mainly because he had his parents house 25 seconds away from the event and main street. and dino just moved to newport, maybe 8 mintus away ridin pretty much on the sand on PCh. so im set to meet nick after his ANGEL game. cloudy ride inside for maybe an hour all the way down the 405 to beach BLVD and down to nicks gated old folk community. unPack, puFF, bouunce to main stret for drinks. end up hoppin to like 3 bars. one being Fred'S (my buddy bet me i would end up there). gorgoeus hb ho's, tons of drunks and bros. overall good time. HomE, Bad News bEarS, pOpcorn, GooD NiTE BoWl.

sat morning mc smelly d's for bfast cuz nick drinks coffee and oatmeal. not my cup of tea for a long day of drinking, beach, and who knows what else when im on vay-CAy-Shun. grub that, back to nicks where we plan to cruise to dinos. appleloads and some fuel tv b4 rollin back to hb for the contest. thats what happened. try and go to the OPen. to crowded and absolutely no parking. back to newport for some rays. nice parking spot at a differenet mcd's for parking. partook in some 4 on 4 fun in the sun volleyball, caught some zzz's, and a gnarly ear ache. dinner at RUBY's diner. wasn't about to eat a burger or some house special, so i delightfully choose this monstous turkey sandwich and upgraded to some delicioso garlic fries and some kind of fizzy drink. chill at dinos with a little snoozin to some discovery channel bullshit. head back to nicks to get all spiffy and pregame no holds barred. nick thought it would be cool to pour absolut double shots and yah lets just say not to pleasant for me. shit nick took like 2 more after that. down to main street to repeat last nights shenanigans. meet heather and a bunch of her friends. got to catch up with james, mikey, and tyler. havent seen those guys since heathers bday in vegas or at sc. anyways hit the bar. coors light night i guess since its free. not bad scenery. heather and her gf had met some dude being inducted to the surf hall of fame. mellow dude with some hot arm candy. dino and heather have a photobooth sesh having me and nick prob take 100 lovey dovey snaps. anyways nick and dino and heather bounce. im at the bar saving seats for some chicas with james and mikey and we part ways in hopes of meeting up soon. so hoppin to beerco from aloha grill ( the 1st place we met heather). mad line but of course heather gets us in no line no cover. the bad part. no dino in sight and he turned his phone off.

me and nick hit the bar figuring dino is long gone. grab a beer check the breezzy's, continue calling dino no answer. so i pound like 4 there cuz i know this night is not even close to being over. nick tells me he left his credit card @ ALOHA. so im like alright. leavin my new group of friends who had nothin but good vibes going throughout the whole place. back to aloha where theres now a line. nick explains the situation and i wait outside. had i stood in line i would have been in the door before nick came back but i didnt do that. so nick comes to the door with a beer for me in this huge mug. bouncers like nope. im like dud i would have already been in. so we argue with this dumb as a door bouncer who hasnt brushed his teeth in like 10 days. so nick goes "here john pound it." gladly, he thought of his boy when buying a beer how nice. so we start ounding and the bouncer goes i wouldnt do tht. i drink faster. with like a quarter to go go tips the cup on both of us and throws us out the door. nick puts up his guard and goes at it with this guy for an easy 7 minutes in heaven. dude throws us in an elevator when i finally knock some sense into him saying we got the best of it dont worry to nick. start looking for the car. not there. walking home. nick meets some illegal and has a beer from his 18 pack he is carrying over his head. nick is wasted at this time and i just want to begin my ling ass journey. so i leave nick and proceed solo. tons of texting to make the journey go faster. finally nick gets dropped off in this suburban 0 yards ahead of me before i reached NEWLaNd. so we drunk stumble home. comppetel destroyed the detour of cones set up on his street ran into signs. fucked myself up. home to bowls and nick passing out on toilet. night still not done. have o get him in bed somehow. patiently wait when i get the thanks im going to sleep in the bathtub response. haha. thats what hb brings. mayhem.

sunday morning bounce early whil nick recovers. chill cruise home to the valley. forgot what happened the rest of the day.

HiP HoP eXpLOdiNg oN 9/11

KanYe's "gRaduAtioN" and 50's "CUrtiS" are set to release on SEptembeR 11th. someone needs to alert the pentagon this time cuz this much attention to hip hop in america has got to be making some people's parents pretty nervous. i'm looking forward to the bombs that will be dropping. 50 says he's sure kanye will move his back because hE is smarter than that. it also marks the 6 year anniversary of JAy's bLUePrinT album. the one that put KAnye one the map. think what you want. kanye's latest jams are far more listenable than 50's collabo with JT on "aYO teCHnoLogY"


COllAbo's cAn mAKe eVeN AdiDAs KooL

adidas hit the nail on the head with this collabo. when comparing other brands they could have teamed up with, wesc was by far one of the best choices they could have made. also a new field for wesc in footwear. especially since they guys behind he brand are big footwaer people with skaters jason lee and chris pastras.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

oF cOUrSe She wanTS thE bOMb

Don'T LoSe yOUr...

volume 33 is out now. i can think of 1000 ways to ruin that pretty design. plus i think it needs one more color.

1 AcroSS, 2 DOwn, 7 ACroSS, 9 DOwN

our north of the border friends want to cover up their superb locks with this classy fitted shop. figure the crossword out with their cr8tive ad. sneak a preview of some of their dome caps.

i'M jUSt

fucking advetisementd. ways a et down. no q yet. fri or sat now.

SeNiOr YeAr Gf

miss ashley spong

hAwAii hUrrAChE

yummy new hurrache's courtesy of SNeaKer FReakEr. yah thats what i'm calling these. my dunks now have an older brother to hold down the fort.

nEW pHoNE fOr mE

ALwAyS EyEiN FOr nEw WayS tO AdVeRTisE


i bet up in BArrY BoND LAnd they wish they had some insight as to when he is going to break the record. lucky for them they can get a little 4sight. that is if they are looking for some quality skate apparrel.

pRoP's: tHE fEEd


the very sexy aubrey from diddy's making the band and wannabe recording group DANNiTy KAnE.

this would be the lovely jennifer ellison.

i found this magazine in palm springs back than. its from europe and now i see why their zines are better: nudity, foreign currency, sex classifieds, hotlines, and stuff you wont ever catch in a US guys publication (minus xxx). pick one up. im fan of the couch section. they bring in girls and they get naked on this couch. perfect.

ComPANy...NOt tHE COunTRy

nEw brand IRaK gives us a handful of spankin fresh tee's. check out bart at the bottom in the middle.

SiMi bOUtiQue

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

CouSin RicK JoiNS tHE mArRiEd pArT oF thE FAm

had a crazy 4 day weekend. 5:15 am thursday it started. last min pack and tryin to find ALANA wo is partyin it up still. lAX it is. terminal 4 american ailines. nope 7 min walk back to terminal 3 for domestic flights on american. awesome. break out in sweat. bk line is ridic. 10 bucks for french toast meal. i settle for hash browns and a soda. some guys runs into me and spills his coffee all over his hand. proceed on for bfast trying to find a seat in the gate waiting area. nope floor time.

board feelin quite nice :) flight seems short. land in flatland boise idaho. meet uncle johny's fam and wait for bags. forever. ryan and sam pick us up. sonic is first destination. finally all the commercials will pay off for their not being one remotely close to the valley. food was aight. 3 hours to LA grande. car games later were there already. just what i expected. kinda naturey. humid. meet fam thats there. swimming. chicken fights. coors keg poolside. bbq in besty area. beer pong 2-2. chicken, salad, bread, the works. lots of ber. meets the groomsmen. party in our hotel room. kings.

andy loses. bridesmaids are hot. golf wake up call at 6:30 am. leave by 7. road suck in oregon. 45 min in car. no clubs but an 18 pack of bud light for me and andy on the course / waiting time. rent clubs for both of us 9 dollars. free cart and greens fee. a couple nice divot / ball marker tool. last group to go out. playing with bill nye (rick's bio-dad) and his friend jim. they cheat and drink just like us. unlimited mulligans. beer a hole not bad when playing 9 in about 2 hours and change. and the truth is that those old guys can drink. funny moment. peeing anywhere and everywhere on the course. " what re you doing over there JIM, checking the air pressure bill" while piss is flowing and thats the only other sound i hear besides the voices.drive the shit out of the ball. drive hole 8 301 yds par 4. eagle putt lip out. 4 under for the round. not bad

free sandwich and drink. drive home. nap time for room 244. 3 hrs sleep beautifully. wake up with knot in back ( for the whole trip). got massages from ryan sam michelle alana and sarah. rehearsal dinner at some ranch. set up napkins and table cloths. yippee. custome pocket square design making for wedding shirt. hahaha. random beer trips to thecar because of limited event supplies. lots of photos. em and the nons matched alot this trip. food was dank. home and to bed after some computer action.

wedding day. power goes out in whole town while asleep. hot as fcuk. lame brekafast. lunch at subway which gave me food poisoning at the wedding. blockbuster no deals. lose a dollar to kelvin b/cuz of bet on when power would come back on. so did sam. back to hotl room. chill. get ready. drink. arrive 3 hrs early for photo. keg of blue moon, coors, and ipa. all which were tapped during the wedding.

few photo. lots of blue moon and moving around. ceremony time. beautiful landscape, flowers, bride. short and sweet. reception on site. andy gump and all. appetizer and bring the chair you sat in over to your table. dinner, drinking, dancing, puking, andy gumping. early exit. 1 am throw up festival from food posion. shower. sleep. pack, walk, travel to rental car place.

3 hrs back boise. taco bell for lunch. airport for 5 hours. delaed flight. arrive to rain and humidity in la. ball sweat temp it feels like. im dying. mom drive like a snail but i love her for it :) home. el pollo loco. bowl. sick still from food posion. blockbuster movie deal. clcik, departed, casiono royale, beerfest, crank for 35 bucks. one more bowl. late night catchin up. what a trip. thanks to everyone who made this trip possible for me, and everything was amazing and of course, fun as fcuk.

better than i could have ever envisioned it. kelly welcome to the family, im glad rick found a girl like you and i cant wait ot keep the non stop party we have together. have fun on the honeymoon. rick my man you did good. and congrats to you bud on all your accompishments and adventures. until next time. cheers.

i'LL alWaYs Be LoYaL tO hiM

why he's the best player period. even you would pass the ball to him.

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