on a sidenote, i was showing my current boss @ dvs mikey, the shirt above that i purchased last night. his face instantly lights up causing a great flashback to his younger days, when he said that looks just like this charatcer called RAt FiNK. anyways ive been contemplating alot on the topic of brands parodying each other since i read the complete article on StuSSy suiNG FReShjiVE!!! and it got me thinking of how brands find what was cool to the when they were young or whatever they were into at that time to make into t-shirt designs. mainly tHe HUnDreDs is the brand that i am thinking about, but the more my eyes are opened into this "streetwear" idea, i come across this idea concept more and more.
Friday, June 1, 2007
mY 1St MiSHkA sHirT...iS LiMitED EDiTioN
on a sidenote, i was showing my current boss @ dvs mikey, the shirt above that i purchased last night. his face instantly lights up causing a great flashback to his younger days, when he said that looks just like this charatcer called RAt FiNK. anyways ive been contemplating alot on the topic of brands parodying each other since i read the complete article on StuSSy suiNG FReShjiVE!!! and it got me thinking of how brands find what was cool to the when they were young or whatever they were into at that time to make into t-shirt designs. mainly tHe HUnDreDs is the brand that i am thinking about, but the more my eyes are opened into this "streetwear" idea, i come across this idea concept more and more.