here's a little surprise for those who really don't enjoy reading about some ancient historical make believe fairy tale or who only read our mom's fantasy sexcapade paperbacks because there is some triple d chick with blondish red hair being swept away by some machismo dude still waiting to come out of the closet. there standing in the inbox terminal fresh off his email trip was
VOLCOMICS. he was in town for a little business chat trying to sell himself to me like some $5 hooker off of Sepulveda. dude is really good at selling himself. he didnt even have to open his page before i was sold. The cover sparked enough interest and before i knew it he was carrying two less copies in his briefcase. cr8ive kept one for himself, but the other one is for you guys. eNJOi the cover!
p.s. my copy is still in the shrinkwrap. why havent i opened it yet. cuz i really dont have it. i'm not sure it has even been released yet.