Monday, November 26, 2007

oNLy a MontH awaY tiL thE bDaY...hERe's mY RUnninG tAb

NikE 6.0 MAvrK miD limiTEd EdiTioN

PlaN B tEE - CCs

UndFtd SpalDiNg BBaLL

incubus dvd "lOOk AliVE"
aNToNY miCALLef bOOk
buy here

StuSSY x LEvi'S

BRokEN liZArd autographed ping pong balls (beerfest, super troopers cr8tors).
buy here.

king stampede

huF x STuSSy deck
buy here.

active hoody

reebok turquoise pack

nintendo wii

RVCA fedora

grenade x rogue status snowboarding gloves for the upcoming season
buy here.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

doEs haVinG a DiAmoNd bELt overDoiNg iT?

As lOng as iTs not a real One...
i GuEss ThIS oNe iS okAy
You KnoW whiCh 1 i'm A fAN of...not the gucci...the green.
hopefully its easy on the ladies heads when it comes to taking it off...nothing worse that hearing her sigh or give u attitude.

Can'T h8 The PlaYeR oR thE gAMe...nO puN

Monday, November 12, 2007


by now the buzz has died down about the reemergence of the og street brand AlPHanumEriC. iN my heart...the sparks never went out because of the a# banner that hangs in my room. Good to see C.P.R worked on this brand.

a SwEatEr FoR thOSe HoliDay FeaST

StUSsy has all your sweater needs covered this season.
maybe to impress the ladies parentals or just to cruise the beachwalk.

Monday, November 5, 2007

moNDaY maDneSS: yOU'LL seE WhY & LiKE iT

some hidden colorway of the p-ROD uNo.
plus a fresh jacket that i'm sure is in his closet.

you wont be a scrub, wearin these pigeons

always wanted to feel like you're on the show...yah i bet you have.
now heres the book to show you rookies where to go and blah blah blah.
i guess you could say its memorabilia???

so you thought that special blend had deceased...not so.
they were just hard at work making one psychadelic, ridiculous snowboard vid...FOR FREE.
see where snowboarding has progressed to while you've been spankin the monkey.


new artist on the scene for me...DaLEk