Saturday, September 29, 2007

whAt a NiGht For SporTs

catch me close to the field courtesy of the homie alex. i'm bringing something to throw @ barry bonds you better believe. especially going with the boys. got my 30 pack of CL...easy for the pounding in the parking lot...can you believe they sell an 18 pack and a 30 pack for the same fcukin price if you have ur rewards card or whatever at the local supermarket. granted i had to walk home with that, but when you walk by the local high school with that much beer the kids revere you. crazy feeling it wasnt to long ago when i was that freshman awaiting my first sip.

if thats not good enough i get to watch the trojans crack some Huskie heads. my prediction is we win by 21. catch you tomorrow for NFL Sunday.

HiDdEn iN The FiEry hELL oF THe HundreDs

i know you havent seen this one before. a little sneek a peek @ a possible new hat from the hundreds. Give props where props are due please.

WiSh You WerE LADainAin ToMliNSon...NoW YoU CaN bE

courtesy of ESpN now you can strap on the helmet and shoulders pads and throw on the #21.
all you fantasy heads and ex running backs will go crazy with the stiff arm and spin move.
here's your chance to live out your wildest football fantasy.
Maneuver LT downfield and blast through the defense to score big in this 60 yard rumble.

reminds me of the classic madden days on nintendo. ooo thats right you just hopped on the madden train post Y2K.

Friday, September 28, 2007

CAnt HAte oN CaLi...Even iF iTS The NAMe oF A ShoE

just one of the latest, hottest pairs of kicks from SUpRa.
in case you can't tell...this shoe is completely decked out in crocodile.
better than that...the price...$74

pRoP's: SUprA

tHe huNDREDS Get A liTTlE ClaSSy on US

porch life new era

striped sweater

button up cardigan

Thursday, September 27, 2007

haPPy BDaY dAd...2 AWAy frOm 50

on this day you would have been 48. heres to you dad.
the most missed yet most loved and most influential person in my life.
i can never forget you...only hope to be as gr8 as you.
find a wife like my mom...and have kids just like my sisters.
i'll never understand why you.
all i can wait for is the day i get to see yo again.
hope your proud.
love ur son.

jUSt sayinG hOW hE fEElS

travis barker rocking the latest releases from ROGUe StaTus @ tHE '07mtV VMa'S
i think SHannA is making him AWOL.

Cuz hE MAkes YoU FeEL LikE A kiD

no wonder they call him KiD ROBOt
kid robot x lacoste collabo.
no you dont get to choose which toy you depends on the shoes you buy.
figure it out yourselves. shoes and all toys below.

a NEw KinD oF Tv

Welcome to the wonderful world of KarmaloopTV...
or to put it in plain English... streetwear and allthings related channel.
click the link for the trailer.

NiSSaN WinS @ iTs oWn gAMe

check this new commercial for the Nissan Rogue.
if you didn't already is stepping up the car commercial game.
this one transforms LA into a labyrinth.
wasn't the funnest game when i was a kid but i have a new appreciation for it.


its official folks. barrys record breaking home run rcord ball was branded after mac ecko bouht it at an auction an decided to lt the public vote on 3 choices of what tp do with it. the following were the options with what the final percentage of votes received was.
(a) 34 % sent it to cooperstown the way it is
(b) 47 % '' '' '' '' but brand it acknowledging the steroid scandal
(c) 19 % send it into outer space

heres what BArrY had to say about it (read 3/4 of the way down for it)

sHoot Em Up...

courtesy of some free movie passes lying around, i decided to give in and feed my action fiending ego. low and behold it did just that. plus it came with dessert. the trailer doesn't do justice as to how badass clive owen is. this has less plot than inside man but more action than sin city. in my opinion go at the matinee...if its still at theaters by than.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

rEAl fAntASy FooTBAll...nFL.COM stYLE

NFL Fantasy File: Marc Bulger

NFL Fantasy File: Marques Colston

NFL Fantasy File: Andre Johnson

NFL Fantasy File: Braylon Edwards

NFL Fantasy File: Jason Campbell

CAn'T pRonNounCe HEr lAst NAme...So iT shoUld BE miNE

pre vma warm up but nicoles moves should have been up there instead of britney. wayne's verse just plain kills it.

lately this art thing has been consuming a lot of my time. the main reason...

McA (EviL dESiGN)


dRUnkPArk (Seb GOdFReY)
give me inspiration for hours...even days. check their work

NoTHinG buT thE tRUtH FrOm NikE sB

3 years in the making but it has finally arrived. just watch the trailer and get your own idea.
premiere OCT 2, 2008 @ the kodak theater.

pRoP's: niKE sB

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Cuz THE GirL'S aLWays wAnt oUR siDe oF tHE bED

no more mistaken whose side is who's.
an alternative to white might be a good idea...
since you do plan on having a girl in the sheets


expect one of these to be handed to you at a party if you bought the mini tank below.
no more thinking of an excuse to the lame dude who wants your business card...just a slip of the DOUCHE BUSINESS CARD & they should get the point.
for $5 you get 25, hopefully that should be enough for a good while. if not change the places and people you are hanging out with.

iF yOUR GOiNG to WAr wiTH pAinTbaLLS...

that should be the only reason why anyone would ever buy one of these paintballing mini tanks. besides looking like the biggest douche showing up at the p-ball fields in one of these, you could buy 28000+ tacos at JITB, look like a real man with the ultimate tailgating party wagon, or pay for two years of college @ a CSU school (books not included). anyway you look at it, just not worth the green.


PRowlEr COllECtioN

CamBRiDge COllECtioN 4 mEN




Monday, September 24, 2007

OnLy Cuz hEs tHe BosS

the new snoop movie BOSS N' UP was just released in japan and to celebrate the event XLArGE took a clip from the movie, pasted it on a tee and will sell them soon.

pRoP's: HiGH SNOb

bEttEr nOt sMEll LikE WhaT iTs hiDing

tasteful (no pun) and well executed but this better not be to cover up the smell down there

HAlleLujAH fOr hALO 3

tonight at midnight it gets finally released.
word is it will make $150 million tomorrow alone.
just to add to bill gates pockets.
for all the real freaks get your custom painted Todd Macfarlane halo controllers.

EvEryThiNg You NeEd fOR MonDay NigHT fOOtbaLL

week 3: rematch of national championship game when texas beat USC
bush(usc) vs young(texas) & lendale white(usc)

the ultimate tailgating trailer.
27 inch lcd tv w/ satellite
dvd player
propane grill
sink with running water
beer on tap

pRoP's: BorN RiCH

yEAh...iT iS a GOoD liFE

kanye west - the good life

Friday, September 21, 2007

DeaTh RoW sTiLL doiN whAt iT DoeS bEst

suge showin a photog how he parties in vegas
pRoP's: COmplEX

the doc sat down with the LA Times to talk about DEtoX
iNTerviEw hEre

NEw Era iS EvErYWheRe...EuROpE & EXtReme SpoRtS

CarHarTT x NEw eRA

for the boost mobile pro, new era designed a special kind of hat. with a clean all white exterior, the interior was sure not to be outdone. Like we have seen before from new era on their collab with TWS, the inside is a collage of classic surfing shots that will have you looking at the inside just as much as the outside.

pRoP's: FReshNEss

WAy tO tAKe iT liKE a MAn - Watch more free videos

for him that must have felt like a middle linebacker just decleated him. hey atleast he was prepared with just a diaper in the arsenal.

WherE diD tHE hOT weATher gO


pRoP's: COMplEX

HeY baTTeR BAttEr bATtEr - Watch more free videos

NEw SuprEMe sTORe...OnLinE

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

WaNNa RAce iN mY FRee M3

buy an m3 for free online HERE, than take it out to the track and put it up against other M3's. the file size is the same as a medium length porn so dont trip if you dont have a ton of memory.

pRoP's: ComPLex


get your head right son

the heavens are opening up

hunDreds sk8 team video premier @ ActiVe


on a classic note. went on ebay for $65 this morning

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

hUF geTs cRAftY oN uS

huf MADRAS fitted