it was devastating, and somehow kinda changed me in a way. personally i think the reason i have this giving and easily accepting personality is because of the suddeness of life being taken away. it scares the shit out of me seriously. wow just dazed off into space. take a second and a step back and just reflect on things...10 min lATER...
after much reflection and the sounds of the marley family and ben harper to accompany me, i just laugh at how they live so freely with this positive attitude. not pompous arrogant assholes that dont give two shits about the person next to them.
everyone has there own belief on the situation but in my opinion there should be no doubt about it. it should be clear and precise. we all know who started wars with who. the fact that i hold major negative feelings about the govt of the country i live in is not comforting. there going to do what they want no matter what anyone else thinks. why were still in a country for their oil.
if you dont have this doubt, go to youtube and just watch the videos. sketchy crumbling of buildings, shady wreckage in pentagon and diagrams of the damage. not just making this stuff up even though i am not 100% myself. haha
in closing, thanks and prayers to you and your family, anyhow affected by this day. i humble myself before you, and will not forget you. especially u dad.